Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Itching to Run!

I can hardly wait for Thursday night - when I can run for the first time since tearing my left calf (gastroc, the interior side). Tonight I did a second workout on the elliptical - for an hour - at my "normal" level (12) and again no issues at all. Did a half hour on the stationary bike - not having my bike shorts sucked!

My real excitement was finding out Monday that Dr Wagenblast feels I can do my long run Saturday with my Half Marathon group - AustinFit. I am SO pumped. I missed the last two - the first because the 10 miler was the next day, and then of course last Saturday since running was verboten while I healed. I'm not worried about the distance at all - 8.5 miles, since they do run/walk and it won't be hills...of course here in Central Texas NOTHING is flat, ever. But it won't be Scenic Drive to the best of my knowledge! It will certainly put my calf to the acid test though. It will be so good to get back to my group and continue the training.

The next race in the Distance Challenge, the Decker Challenge, will be the toughest of the 3 half marathons left to go....it has the toughest hills, is known for shitty weather, and usually is windy to boot. I missed the two hour goal last time (2007) on this course, and I really don't have any illusions about breaking two hours this year either. My goal is to finish, uninjured, so I can train for the last two half marathons - the always fast, downhill IBM in Jan and the Austin Livestrong Half in Feb only 3 weeks later. Staying healthy through the Distance Challenge, and getting that cool finishers jacket, is priority #1. Times are secondary, and that's a good thing. I can relax more and enjoy the experiences. Even Decker was really enjoyable when I was focused on everything around me instead of on time. That's not easy for someone as time compulsive as I am!

I was thinking tonight about how the name "half marathon" really irks me. Probably my ego, but ya know? It isn't "half" of anything - it's a complete race in and of itself. Triathlons have "Ironman", and "sprint" tri's, so I think we ought to start a grass roots movement to get a better name. It implies that you can only do Half of the real race - the marathon. I ran a sub two hour 3M twice, 1:55 the last one, and I gave it my all....running faster than my marathon pace for sure. Although I am training with the 10:30 per mile group, I have no doubt come the Austin Half, I will step up to try and finish in under two hours. That is my "B" goal, the "A" goal of course is to finish and get that DC jacket! But it's good to get that B goal out there and to own it.

I'm once again at work early, since I have another round of ART tomorrow. Maybe that cute little brunette will be there again....:O). Hopefully she is not waiting on the perfect man: