I look better now!
I have until Monday to "cram" for my next monthly body fat test. I did not post about the last test, but it was OK. I had lost 4 pounds and almost 6 pounds of body fat. [At this last weigh-in the machine from Hell says I now have only 19 lbs of body fat to lose. Yikes!] Yep, gaining some muscle! My trainer/nutritionist has me pumping the weights again. It really has ramped up my weight loss, I peeked at the scale the other day and was down almost 7. However, the "cramming" I have been doing lately is more cramming food into my pie hole. Hey, I'm cool with it. I may sound extreme to my Facebook friends who see that I am at the gym nearly every day, but I balance it pretty well. I spend time with my lovely daughter, and I eat. I have cut out a few things, but I am not one for deprivation. That sets me up to fail every time. I once lost 40 pounds on WW over a 6 month period, but I will never, ever do that again. I'd rather die fat and happy.
My clothes are fitting better, I don't have to force my ass into my bathing suit anymore, and I'm getting much stronger. In just 2 months, I've gone up 30-40 pounds on most of the machines I do. I'm still running on Saturdays, and will begin my half marathon training tomorrow, I cannot wait! I'll be running three this year, Decker, IBM and the Austin Half in January. And my bike is halfway paid off so I'll be riding again soon!
Life is pretty damn good right now!