Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Feets don't fail me now!

Yesterday was one of those runs. The kind that can leave you doubting yourself if you let it. I woke up and the first yellow light should have been that I just did not sleep well. This no doubt is one reason I run so much stronger on weekends than during the week, the inability to sleep longer than 5 hours at most during the week days. I've done a lot to make my sleep deeper - blackout curtains, no coffee 5 hours before, etc but not much really changes from day to day as far as quantity. The quality of sleep is better, but working the Vampire Shift really sucks the life out of me some days. I'm learning to adjust my running expectations accordingly. Since my Training schedule (see Austin Half Marathon Training Schedule) is now on week 9, we're not up to the mileage I'm going to hit this weekend - 10 miler is in a mere 4 days. So I'm tapering slightly, running my runs at a very easy pace. Mostly. Today, I did take the last mile up from race pace of 10:30/mile to a 9 minute mile to simulate running on tired legs. Simulate, hell. My legs were tired today! I really do think the poor sleep contributed, so I need to stay positive. God knows the Committee in my head knows how to work me over:

Me: Man I feel tired today...

Committee: Yeah, you look like shit too. Pudgier than normal. You should have worn black...

Me: Wow, coming up to this two mile marker pretty quick...

Committee: You really need to learn how to pace yourself old man. Not that many years ago, that blond would not have passed you a 1/4 mile back that easily. Don't you have any self respect? I think if you step it up a little you might catch her at the 4 mile point...if she really slows up that is. You suck today...

Me: Yeah, I really have slowed down over the last three years. Of course, I haven't been running. I should be worried more about pace. I have time though...

Committee: Are you fucking kidding me? You're over 53 man! Besides, you know she was dissing you. You saw her smile when she went....wait. You did NOT think she was smiling to be friendly, do you? She was laughing at you dude....

Me: You think so? Really? Hey I think a 9:00 minute mile and I can catch her. Look, there she is right up ahead. I don't think this is too smart, really. Shouldn't we be running easy today?

Committee: Easy is for pussies. Come on, lift it some. Forget that nagging pain in the hamstring. Our grandmother can catch her, and she's as you well know dead already. Man up and pass her. 

Me: Ok but I'm not going to smile at her when I go by.

Committee: Good thing you didn't. You know damn well she could have caught you old man.

Me: PLEASE shut up and take the weekend off....

Committee: Sure thing Champ. I don't want to see how ugly it's going to be when you drop at mile 8.

Yep, that is a serious look into how my male brain works at times. Maybe it's 'Low T' like they talk about in that commercial I saw.....I probably need to watch 'Revenge' and test things out with Madeleine Stowe. Just sayin'!