Life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences. But rather, it's a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan. (From "Serendipity")
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Less than 14 hours to go. What, me nervous?
Pre race jitters. Love them. No, really I do. They remind me that I'm human. Trying not to think about it never works. Go ahead, try it. Try to NOT think about something. See? Fail.
I know I've done everything I could, short of actually running the distance. But I have no doubt I CAN do it, as long as this aging body doesn't do anything to fuck it all up. Like cramps, the dreaded C word all runners secretly fear. I've done a lot of reading lately and interestingly enough, it's rarely caused by dehydration. In fact, more runners OVER hydrate, many marathon runners in particular. They are even backtracking on the old adage of drinking before you are thirsty...and the conventional wisdom is to drink WHEN you feel thirsty. Jeez, make up our minds already! If you wait long enough, someone will figure out that smoking is good for you and that not smoking causes cancer in lab mice.
I bought a Garmin Forerunner 210 today, they were on sale and I've always wanted one. See how I just rationalized it to everyone? It was on sale. I'm a 53 year old man and fuck if I don't still feel like a little kid sometimes. Like I have to get approval from the blogosphere to spend my hard earned $. I have to admit to being a bit of a techno-nerd. Boys and their toys I guess. But hey, it's an equal opportunity obsession! Yes girls, you TOO can buy one!
This one is the lightest they make, only 1.6 lbs so it's no heavier than my regular watch actually. It's sitting in it's little charger now, and I cannot WAIT to try it out tomorrow. I can now save my routes I run for posterity's sake...and transfer them to my PC. You will all rue the day. Of course, if you're reading this you must not have a better way to spend your time, right? Or, like myself, you are fascinated by what can come out of this brain next.
So tomorrow morning, up BEFORE the ass crack of dawn. That of course means it is still dark, much like it would be if your head were up your....well, you get the picture. I am so time compulsive, always have been. Late to me means not being somewhere early enough. I actually have a very good routine down, that allows me time to eat, drive downtown, find a spot to park, meditate and And of course emergency porta potty time in the absolute worst case. The worst invention of man. Can't they just put them over a drain hole and VENT the damn things with electric fans? Some working AC would be nice too....
Check back tomorrow for the latest race report in all it's gory detail....and thanks for reading. I know you're out there, even if you don't comment. And that is cool. This blog is for us both....