So here I am at my favorite Starbucks. Damn, its been too long old friend. But my budget lately makes you out of my league....and (gasp!)...I just don't drink that much coffee any more. There. I've admitted it. but paying $7 for a lousy cup of cappuccino and a stale scone - yes there are so many better places in Austin - has been missed for some reason. Maybe it's the familiarity of seeing my name on my cup:
This is also my first blog post from my new HTC EVO4G.....which I really love. I was worried about the bulkyness, as it is larger than a iPhone, but in the end that is what I love most about it. In landscape mode this thing rocks.
I am feeling like a fish out of water today....its a rest day and I am already suffering workout withdrawals. I guess on some level I understand how a bipolar person feels when they go off meds. Ok.....too extreme an example I suppose. Everything I read...and I read a lot - tells me rest days are very important. I'm just not sure about how Mondays will be after I take Megan home from a weekend with me.....that is never easy. But I will be doing my long runs on Sunday and that requires rest day to be Monday. I'll have to deal...and I will try not to bitch too much on this blog....although I have the right, who in their right mind wants to hear someone bitch too much?
So my only goal for today exercise. Wow that sounds tough huh? Fellow exercise junkies will relate.