Saturday, October 1, 2011

Luke's Locker - Runner's Nirvana!

I want to preface this post with a bold statement - I will NEVER go "professional" on this blog. Any review I do, restaurant, business or product that I "endorse" will be because of my own experience and not for any form of remuneration whatsoever. Unless someone offers me cold hard cash. In that case, I'll probably sell out like everyone else I've seen whose blogs have "made it" to the big time.

That said, I found runner's Nirvana today - notice that catchy blog title. I've always been a huge supporter of RunTex here in Austin, as they do one hell of a job on our beloved Town Lake Trail by providing two major water stops where they keep cold water stocked up - and cups - on a daily basis. At no small expense on their part, either. My experiences in their stores have been, however, less than stellar. I think they just got too big, and thought they were the only game in town. I don't know how long Luke's Locker has been around - I honestly had never heard of them before today - but they are a game CHANGER. The store is immaculate, set on the ground floor of one of Austin's newest and trendiest condo "towers". It has a high end feel to it, and the salespeople are not too aggressive, yet are there right when you need them. I was highly impressed on my first trip. I was there to register for tomorrow's IBM Classic 10K, and to buy some Body Glide. If you've ever run to the point your knees/crotch/feet are either chafed or blistered, get this stuff. It is an absolute necessity for someone that sweats like I do. I also bought some (they better be) incredible socks, at an eye-popping - at least for me - price of $14 a PAIR:

They are more of a neon yellow, as if that even matters. Women know fuchsia from pink, though, so I thought I should add that. These socks are phenomenal, as far as fit and the way they feel at least. I'll comment more after the run tomorrow. From past history, I can tell you - don't run any distance in 100% cotton socks! Ever!!!

I'm excited about tomorrow's run - can you tell? I'll have a full blown race report tomorrow, but for now I'm off to watch my favorite running movie - even a "non-runner" would like this I think. For me, it never fails to get me pumped up before a race. Better than Chariots of Fire in my humble opinion!